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Tournee Knife: 


Description & What Type of Knife: (Naming parts)

Just like there is a chef knife, a paring knife, and a Boning knife… There is another knife called the Tournee knife mainly found in a kitchen work place. Just like all knives, the Tournee’s knife parts are a tip, a point, a back, a blade, a cutting edge, a bolster/shank, a heel, rivets, a tang, and a handle. The Tournee knife has a curved shaped blade that is similar to the beak of a bird. The Tournee knife is similar to the paring knife in shape.

What Knife Does: (Cuts)

Every single knife has a specific task to do. The Tournee knife is mainly used to trim potatoes and other types of vegetables into specific shapes just like footballs. It is a smaller knife used for lighter work.

How to Properly Use the Knife: (Safely)

All knives are dangerous if not used in a proper manner. Even if it is a small blade, like the Tournee knife, it needs to be properly handled. Whenever the Tournee knife is in use, grip the hand accurately in the right upright position. If the Tournee knife is safely held, it will execute its job appropriately.

How Many Different People around the World Use Knife:

There all sorts of kitchen knives sorted around the work place. Even though this one may be small to pick out, the Tournee knife is a special type of knife used by many chef’s in restaurants. Chef’s use the Tournee knife to design food into different shapes and sizes. A potato can be shaped into a football. Chef’s use this knife to give the food a different perspective and view.

Knife Sanitation/Knife Storage:

Even though the Tournee knife is very small compared to other knives such as the chef’s knife or butcher’s knife, the same precautions should be taken. The Tournee knife’s blade can cut just as hard as any other blade. After each use, the Tournee knife should be properly stored and sanitized. The knife should be cleaned to kill off any bacteria to prevent food Bourne illnesses. After doing so, place the Tournee knife in a safe location to prevent any accidents. 



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